The Best Music

Under the Sun & at the track


Be A Part Of The Sun Radio Team!

Want to intern with us? Sun Radio is seeking hard working, self-motivated and eager learners that are interested in music/radio, photography/videography, audio engineering, graphic design, sales, marketing, and/or working for a non-profit organization.



Thank you for contacting Sun Radio!


  • Students must be pursuing an undergraduate degree at a college or university.
  • School credit required.
  • Submit your resume, and questionnaire to Amanda by email, mail, or drop off at station.
  • Sun Radio offers internships for spring, summer, and fall semesters and accepts intern applications year-round. Internships are unpaid and are not guaranteed employment.


Mailing Address:

Sun Radio
P.O. Box 93038
Austin, TX, 78709

About us:

The Sun Radio Network is owned by Township Media LLC and was developed to provide Non Commercial Audio Content via Satellite/ and alternative delivery systems (as well as engineering and revenue development services) to terrestrial and web based radio stations.

Upcoming Events
